Things we want to help build…
Every project must be aimed at making the world a better place.
That’s the starting point. Love and truth are our pillars. Friendship, fellowship, and the knowledge of being beneficial, our joy.
Below are a few suggestions. These aren’t intended to be limiting or mandatory, they’re just there to help point the general direction.
Actively search for the best things you could spend yourself on. Meditate on the golden rule. Consider what would improve the lives of those to come. Imagine what does not exist but should. When inspiration meets you, that’s the project we want to help you create.
Every individual has freedom to participate or not participate in any project. That’s important.
However, fulfilling the best dreams of others is a worthwhile project in and of itself. So, let’s generally help one another in what ways we’re able.
One of the best ways to help is to strengthen those who are already helping.
Anything that hits this target is a bullseye.
(Uniting helpers is strengthening them.)
There is certainly a place for strengthening the best of us. There is also certainly a place for helping those who need help the most.
It is the sick who need a doctor, the hungry who need food, the lonely who need friends, the captive who need freed, the broken who need repair, and so on…
People are captive in many different ways. Freedom is a byproduct of love. Aiming to free those who are captive is a good place to look for ways to help.
Is there a place where it is difficult to see. Consider shining a light there.
(Don’t violate people’s privacy, do open doors for those in the future.)
Have an idea that brings peace?
I’d love to hear it.
I expect we’ll find many of the most positively impactful (and most interesting) ideas beyond the edges of what is already being done.
To be clear, there’s no sense in being unique for the sake of being unique. Rather, there is a point in fulfilling needs that are not already being fulfilled.
It’s beneficial to develop ideas that have the potential to positively impact many, not just a few.
Some projects can be developed and then released to fly on their own.
Releasing such projects can free our efforts to work on other things, thus multiplying our impact.
This is important enough to include as the final note here.
Yes, we’re aiming to help, to do great things. But let’s have fun doing it.
Paint the songs of your heart. Swing for the fences. Try the things everyone else thinks you’re crazy for trying. Feel free to make mistakes. Laugh. Joke. Learn. Share in successes and failures.
Yes, there will likely be weighty conversations and projects at times. That said, let our default mode of operation be light and fun. This can be medicine in and of itself. Even during the most serious of moments, a little laughter can go a long way.
Stuff we aren’t about…
I’ve expressed the positive - we build dreams aimed at making the world a better place.
It seems important to include a filter as different people may have different concepts of what that means.
This filter is mandatory and not for debate. Projects and topics which are disqualified by it, are not part of this group.
This should be obvious, any project aimed at anything other than helping isn’t what we work on.
If there’s ever any doubt, ask “what’s the purpose and goal of this project?”.
We aim to help - try not to overcomplicate it.
Simple and straightforward. This is not a place for lies of any type. This is a place for truth and transparency.
We’re not here to steal or destroy anything. Projects aimed at these should not find a home here.
As one example, we aren’t here to “get more market share”. Rather than be in competition with other services, let us genuinely wish for and aid in their prosperity. If we offer the same service, we are relatives, not enemies.
Where there are local laws, let’s live within them.
There may be very rare exceptions to this. As an example, those who risked themselves to help save Jews from Nazi Germany are heroes. Let love be the compass and guide.
Sex can be great, I’m not condemning it or projects related to it.
My vision as to what is beneficial or harmful in this field is unclear. So, we’ll just draw a clear line and say this is not a place for sex related projects.
This is not to be a place of violence or for designing anything which is to be used for violence. This is not a place for designing or manufacturing any type of weapon.
Our defense is to be as beneficial as possible and to help one another.
Christ’s Teaching (which is to love) is the fabric and origin of this organization.
Consequently, projects which dispute Christ’s teachings do not have a home here.
This is not a place for gossip, back-biting, condemnation of any, or engaging in inflammatory arguments.
As an example, if someone is spoken of behind their back here, let whatever was said be positive. Let this be a place of forgiveness, mercy, empathy, defense of others, and all things uplifting.
If you want to practice love and help others, then we’re on the same side of the fence.
We aren’t here to have political or religious debates. We’re here to benefit everyone.
All will be known by their fruit anyway. So, let that speak for us.
There is a judge, but we are not here to condemn anyone.
Is there someone who has made mistakes in their past but wishes to help now? Then let them help! Give them a path to a beneficial life. This is beneficial to all!